It was the 25th of July 2001 when the story of Hardboiled Records and its first track “Klein aber Löwe” started.The new DJ Goawill aka Earl Grey in the stadium of the soccer club TSV1860 (Löwen) in Munich played the Atmos title “klein aber Doctor” to check out the PA. Just in this moment the team walked in and some of the players were really impressed by the sound of Atmos. It didn’t take long until the DJ made a deal with Atmos to remix a so called “Löwenversion” of this song. This was the first release of Hardboiled records – “Klein aber Löwe”

About four years later the label was brought back by Larimar (me) and the spiralclan. Right now we are released (June2005) our first PsyTrance Compilation Hardboiled Wonderland wich will contain tracks from 130 up to 145bpm and of course in PsyTrance or Full On style. The cd will be compiled by S.H.E.E.P.

There will be an ambient compilation soon, too.

(c) HBR1 2001-2005